The Dhaka Times
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Kamaruzzaman's verdict is tomorrow

The Dhaka Times Desk The verdict in the case of Jamaat Assistant Secretary General Mohammad Kamaruzzaman accused of crimes against humanity will be announced tomorrow Thursday. The International Criminal Tribunal-II issued an order in this regard on Wednesday around 11 o'clock.


As the judicial process of the case ended on April 16, the tribunal said that it was pending (CAV) for the verdict of Kamaruzzaman's case any day.

It should be noted that the International Criminal Tribunal was formed on March 25, 2010 with the aim of prosecuting war criminals involved in crimes against humanity during the liberation war of 1971. The second tribunal was formed on March 22 last year. Three years after the formation of this tribunal, the trial against a fourth accused ended. Earlier, the court sentenced Abul Kalam Azad, Jamaat Naib Amir Delwar Hussain Saeedi to death and Jamaat Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Mollah to life imprisonment.

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