The Dhaka Times
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Felani murder accused BSF member is innocent verdict!

The Dhaka Times Desk India's own special court of the Border Guard has ruled the BSF member innocent of the murder of Bangladeshi girl Felani on the much-discussed Bangladesh border.

Felani is not the end

BBC Bangla reported that the BSF member accused in Felani's murder has been released after being found innocent. The accused's name is Habildar Amiya Ghosh, who is serving as the Habildar of BSF 181 Battalion.

However, no official statement has been issued by the BSF Inter-Army regarding this verdict.

Meanwhile, according to the BBC news source, the entire judgment will be sent to the Director General of the Force for final approval. After this, BSF will give a statement in this regard.

Five judges participated in the trial, which began on August 13, and the entire trial was presided over by CP Trivedi, DIG Communications, Guwahati Frontier, BSF.


On January 7, 2011, members of the Indian border guarding force BSF shot and killed a girl named Felani Khatun (born in 1996) in Khitaberkuthi area of Anantapur-Dinhata border of Kurigram on the Bangladesh-India border. At that time, Felani Khatun wanted to return to his country by baiting his barbed fence from the Indian border. The brutal incident of Felani's murder shook the entire Bangladesh at that time, yet billions of Bangladeshis have not forgotten the scars of that suffering.

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