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Threats of rape of women journalists due to writing!

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman journalist in Australia has been threatened with rape because of her writing. This is probably the first threat to rape a woman journalist in the world.

threat of rape of women journalists

There are many threats to writing. This threat to journalists in particular is always high. There are many threats to news coverage around the world. However, this is the news of a little exceptional event.

This time there is such an exceptional complaint by an Australian journalist. Her name is Alana Pierce. Pierce made this complaint to a news media recently. Her complaint is that she is often threatened with rape for writing on controversial topics. Each threat was posted on Facebook and YouTube.

Alana, the editor of this news media in San Francisco, has decided to stand against this threat herself, even though she first complained to the cyber police. He said that after finding the threatened youth or young people, they are starting to complain to their families.

However, despite being threatened with rape or molestation every week, this woman journalist from Australia, Alana Pierce, claimed that Dambar is not a bride.

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