The Dhaka Times
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Censor caught Shahed Chowdhury's 'hiding'

The Dhaka Times Desk Shahed Chowdhury's movie 'Aral' starring Bipasha got stuck in the censors. The film was submitted to the Censor Board on January 5.


Shahed Chowdhury's 'Aaral' film submitted to the Censor Board has been stuck. In a letter sent to the film's director on January 28 after the censor show, the censor board said, 'The film is not suitable for public screening.' The letter reached the director on Wednesday.

The production of 'Aaral' started in September 2014 with hero Shahriaz, actress Anchal and actress Bipasha Kabir of Item Kanya fame. Bipasha Kabir came in front of the camera as a heroine for the first time by playing the role of a dismissed police officer in this film. The production of this film was completed in August last year.


The film 'Aaral' was examined by the Bangladesh Film Censor Board on January 17. After a detailed discussion in the board meeting, the honorable members opined that 'the film has inadequacies in the original story, filling the dialogues/scenes with the use of rampant lawlessness, wrong-doing and detective activities which will be harmful to the audience.' It further states, 'The film depicts law enforcement personnel in disreputable attire/titles and is presented in a derogatory manner. In some parts of the film, the story felt unrealistic and strange.' Some of these issues have been mentioned by the Censor Board.

However, director Shahed Chowdhury said, 'The film has been made with a realistic story. There may be some inaccuracies. It will be corrected and submitted again to the Censor Board.

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