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The story of the longest car in the world [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the number of cars in the world. But today there is a car for you which is said to be the longest car in the world! The story of that tall car exists today.

Parts of world long car story

Not just modernity, it can be called a luxury car. There is no doubt that anyone who sees this car will want to get into it. It is said to be the longest car in the world. The 100 feet long car is currently in the 'Guinness Book of World Records'. This car will be used in Hollywood movies.

Joy Orberg of Burbank built this car. The car is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The car looks amazing.

Made in California, this 100 feet long car has 24 wheels. The vehicle has 2 driver cabins. It was originally developed for use in Hollywood films. However, this car will be unveiled at various exhibitions.

What is missing in this luxury car? The car has spa, swimming pool, king size bed, sun deck everything. The vehicle also has a helipad for a helicopter landing. So think what is not in this car!

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