The Dhaka Times
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Smartphones can be found for 25 rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphones can be found for 25 rupees! It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. However, the smartphone will be available not only at 25 taka but in installments of 25 taka.

25 Taka & Smartphone

State Minister for Posts and Telecommunications Tarana Halim has said about giving smartphones to the grass root people of the villages in monthly installments of Tk 25 or Tk 30. Tarana Halim gave this information at the inauguration ceremony of the Telecom Reporters Network Bangladesh (TRNB) website at the Secretariat today (Thursday).

State Minister Tarana Halim said, 'I have discussed with mobile phone companies Ericsson and Walton to deliver low-cost smartphones to grassroots people like village farmers and laborers. They said, it is possible to give a smartphone from 1,500 taka to 2,000 taka. However, no details have been given on how this smartphone can be purchased in installments.

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