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America is a strange shoe tree story!

The Dhaka Times Desk Blind superstitions have existed among people throughout the ages. And because of this blind faith many unusual things happen. There is just such a shoe tree story in America today!

American shoe tree a strange story

It is really surprising to see such a scene. Because it appears that all kinds of shoes are hanging on the tree branches, branches and branches! Shoes are hung on tree branches due to an unknown religious belief.

Such an event will catch anyone's attention when crossing the highway connecting Ely and Reno in the American state of Nevada. This strange tree is called Cotton Wood Tree. But now no one knows this tree by this name. Now this tree is known by most people as shoe tree.

According to media reports, the height of these trees is usually between 70 feet. The stems and whole body of this tree are covered with shoes and shoes. People have been hanging shoes on this tree for years in an unknown religion without any intention of cheating or making money.

Anyone who suddenly saw this tree could mistake it for a shoe tree. That's why tourists are very curious to visit this tree. It is believed that a woman hung the first shoe on this tree for some special reason. Since then others also started hanging shoes. Since then, such a novel tradition has been going on. Now this plant is full of shoes! Every day many people come here from different places. Keoba came to hang Keo shoes again to see this special shoe tree.

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