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Titanic-2 will float in water again!

The Dhaka Times Desk Titanic-2 will float in water again. Not today, in 1911, Titanic was buried in the Atlantic Ocean. Titanic-2 is going to float again after 107 years.

Titanic II will float in water again

According to media reports, Titanic-2 has been made exactly on the model of Titanic. The owner of the newly built Titanic himself released the picture of this new ship. Titanic-2 is owned by Australian billionaire businessman and politician Clive Palm.

Titanic II will float in water again-2

It is known that Palmer's Titanic-2 is made exactly as the ship is shown in James Cameron's classic movie Titanic made in 1997. This Titanic-2 has first, second, third class. Just like it was shown in that movie. Clive's ship is the same weight, height, length as Titanic.

Titanic II will float in water again-3

According to Zee News, there are exactly 9 decks in this new Titanic-2. Titanic-2 is only 13 feet wide. 2,435 passengers can travel in 840 cabins in 3 classes. It will have a crew of 900. Now all you have to do is travel to the modern-day Titanic-2!

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