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Scientists claim: it is possible to delete memory from the brain!

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists now claim that it is possible to erase memories from the brain! According to a new American documentary, scientists have come to the threshold of this possibility.

Memory of brain removed

We know that computer memory can be erased easily. But is it possible to permanently delete any memory from the human brain? Scientists have now focused on such a study. Through which those who are in great emotional pain with an old memory. To get rid of their pain, they immediately deleted that memory. It sounds like science fiction, but scientists are claiming to be close to such an effort.

This issue is covered in the award-winning Nova documentary series 'Memory Hackers'. There, scientists are working on a method to erase any memory from the brain. Attempts are being made to see how this technology can be used for the benefit of mankind.

Documentary makers say that history has shown that memory works like a tape recorder, storing various old information. But modern science shows that erasing memories is possible. Be it written or unwritten. Man's way of controlling memory is evolving through it.

Jake Hasler, a 12-year-old boy from St. Louis, is featured in this documentary. From the age of 8 until now, he is able to remember every detail of his memories. This boy is the youngest ever to have highly superior autobiographical memory technology applied to him. His memories of distinguishing between insignificant and important things of the past have been erased. It says world famous neurologist Andre Fenton is working on erasing painful memories.

Andre Fenton said, 'Forgetting is one of the most important things the brain does. How far human memory erasure has gone so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Nothing inside has been seen yet.'

According to the news published by the Telegraph, Julia Shaw, a psychologist at London South Bank University, is working on inserting false memories into the brain. Through this, it is claimed that success has been achieved in the form of confessions from the criminals.

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