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Strange cricketer: no hands but still play cricket! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange cricketer has been found. There are no two hands, but he bats with his neck and balls with his feet! You might not believe it until you see him play. Watch the video and it will be clear.

No hands yet played a match

We know that hands are the most important thing to play cricket. The reason is that you have to ball with your hands. Again two hands have to be used for batting. Not even a hand, but Divya plays the game of cricket! It will seem impossible to everyone. Amir Hussain of Jammu and Kashmir province of India has proved that nothing is impossible if one wants it with all his heart. Even if you don't have two hands, you only play cricket with your mind!

Amir Hussain from Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir province of India loved playing cricket from his childhood. He played this game of bat-ball with heart. A setback occurred when he had to lose both hands in an accident. Many may not have thought about playing cricket in such a situation. But Amir Hossain made this impossible possible with indomitable spirit. Amir Hossain bowls with his feet even though he has no hands. And batting while holding the bat by the neck! Despite not having two hands, Amir Hossain has been recognized for playing cricket better than many other able-bodied people in his area!

Amir Hussain also got the success of this extraordinary effort. He was also selected as the captain of the Jammu and Kashmir state para-cricket team. This indomitable cricketer Amir Hussain also dreams of getting a place in the Indian national para-cricket team in the future. Amir Hussain, a cricketer from Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, has proved that any endeavor can be successful if there is a will.

See how Amir Hossain is playing
