Categories: general

Train or five-star hotel?

The Dhaka Times Desk Looking at the room, it is really difficult to understand whether it is a train or a five-star hotel room! It's actually a train room but has all the amenities of a five-star hotel!

Now train rooms have been made which have the same facilities as home. Then it is made in such a way that it looks like a five-star hotel! The amenities of the room will include wake-up alarm, LED reservation chart, free Wi-Fi service in one word, this 'smart' coach will have everything. These smart coaches will be styled much like airline services.

Like a plane, this train will have drinking water, tea and coffee machines in the cabin. Due to which the passengers can collect necessary drinks according to their convenience and desire.

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According to media reports, there are also plans to introduce bio-toilet services in these smart rail compartments. It goes without saying that this bio-toilet will not be as unsanitary as the five other train toilets.

It has been said that the train toilets will have flushing system, automatic hand cleaner and various polishing services to maintain cleanliness. The train compartments will be fully air-conditioned. Also, this room will have laptop and mobile charger facilities. All in all, there is no doubt that this new smart train coach will rival any five-star hotel room. Sources in the Ministry of Railways said that such smart coaches will be proposed in the new year's railway budget.

There is always a reluctance to travel by train in our country. However, if there are modern facilities, it is believed that the number of VIP passengers will increase as well as the general passengers will have a positive perception about the train.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৬, ২০১৬ 11:48 am

Staff reporter

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