The Dhaka Times
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'Aam Sundari Nari' video hits YouTube [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Aam Sundari Nari' video has received a response on YouTube. Directed by Habibul Islam Habib, item song 'Ami Sundari Nari' from the film 'Ratri Yatri'.

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Over 1 lakh viewers have watched the song in just a few days. Laila Naeem has danced in this song and British expatriate artiste Rubaiyat Jahan has given voice.

Another song titled 'Ki Je Karo Maina' in the movie 'Ratri Jatri' was sung by popular artists Asif Akbar and Lemis. Visitors can take these two songs as welcome tunes for their mobiles if they wish.

'Ratri Yatri' starring actress Moushumi, Salahuddin Lovelu, Anisur Rahman Milan, ATM Shamsuzzaman, Aruna Biswas, Sonia Hossain, Rebecca, Marjuk Russell, Shimul Khan, Shahidul Islam Sacchu, Chikon Ali, Zia Talukder, Sadia Afrin, Laila Naeem etc.

The shooting of the film began in October last year. Story, dialogues, screenplay and directed by Habibul Islam Habib. The movie 'Ratri Yatri' is produced by Bank of Audio Visual Arts. This song of the film has received a lot of response.

Watch the video song

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