The Dhaka Times
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After 37 years in prison for stealing 60 paise!

The Dhaka Times Desk After 37 years, a person went to jail for stealing only 60 paise! Such a sensational incident happened in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.

arrested after 37 years

According to Indian media sources, a story of 1979. A man named Amir went to see a movie with his friends. He didn't know what demon was in his head. All friends took a knife to a young man's chest and snatched only 60 paise! The victim of this incident complained to the police station. But Amir was not aware of that complaint. In fact, the matter is so small that no one is supposed to remember it. Perhaps Aamir and his friends had forgotten the matter.

In the course of time that young man died one day. Then 37 long years have passed. But Aamir was not prepared for what happened after such a long time. He was arrested from Kohinoor Nagar in the city on the basis of the allegations made 4 years ago. Although an arrest warrant has been issued in his name, the police have not been able to find him so far, or it may have been written that he was not found in the police register. Everyone was shocked after hearing this incident of Aamir. Because only 60 paise theft charges and arrested again after so many years! What will be the punishment of that person in the current law? This question is common people now.

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