The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, there is no lack of interest in Nusrat Faria in the film industry. Its proof was found after the release of 'Hero 420' in Bangladesh. The audience of Bangladesh is impressed by Faria's performance.
At the beginning of the year, the country's film business was quite depressed. No film released since January could pull the audience like that. But this time the drought has been overcome a little with the joint production film 'Hero 420' released in Bangladesh. The film was released in theaters in Bangladesh on Friday, February 19. To see Om-Faria, the audience was in a rush.
It is known that from the first day of its release in Bangladesh, the film was released in 86 cinema halls across the country, including Dhaka. And so the film's Bangladeshi production company Jazz Multimedia is also satisfied with the business of the film. All in all, Nusrat Faria's 'Hero 420' augurs well for success as this year's best-selling film.
Directed by Saikat Nasir and Sujit Mondal, 'Hero 420' stars Kolkata's Om, Rhea Sen and Bangladesh's Nusrat Faria in lead roles. This film of action and romantic love triangle is now entertaining the audience in this country.