The Dhaka Times Desk We all know the role of men in childbirth. But now there will be no need for men in the birth of children!
Chinese scientists have made such a claim. This research report has recently been published in an influential US-based medical journal called Stem Cell.
Nanjing Medical University scientists in that journal. Jiahao Sha claimed in an interview that the research team led by him was able to create artificial sperm. Mice have already been born with the help of this invented sperm.
Dr. Jiahao Sha also said that if research continues in the right direction, the day is not far away, when sperm produced in the male body will no longer be needed for child birth. A child can be created only if the woman's egg meets the sperm produced in the laboratory!
Daily Mail said that Dr. Jiahao carried out the research, called 'Stem Cell Technique'. Although the method is very old fashioned. However, some new additions to this method have made this research successful.
Dr. In this method, doctors first collect stem cells from mouse embryos, Jiahao said. It is then placed in a special chemical mixture. After being placed in the mixture, the stem cell breaks down and transforms into a 'germ cell'. Scientists say this is actually the first step in sperm production.
Then the germ cell is placed in the artificially created 'testicular cell'. Testosterone hormone is mixed in that testicular cell to create an environment like sperm in the laboratory. And this is how the world's first artificial sperm was created!
Despite this success, scientists still do not fully call it sperm. Named it 'Spermatids'. The reason is that artificially produced sperm have the correct head but not the tail. Moreover, these 'spermatids' are unable to swim forward like sperm.
Dr. Jiahao Sha said, if this discovery is safe in humans or can be successfully applied, then we think that the infertility problem around the world will be completely solved.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৭, ২০১৬ 6:43 pm
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