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Parimoni who was injured in the shooting is in Dhaka by helicopter

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Parimoni was injured while shooting for the film 'Swapnjal' in Chandpur. He was brought to Dhaka by helicopter. He was injured while shooting on Tuesday afternoon.

Pori moni injured

Popular actress Parimoni was injured while shooting for the film 'Swapnjal' in Chandpur on Tuesday afternoon. During the shooting, Parimani suddenly lost his balance and fell from the moving trolley. He got a lot of pain in his hand. In addition, his knee and ankle were amputated. He was given first aid there. Then Parimani's hand was x-rayed at a clinic in Chandpur. His hand was sprained even though there was no fracture. On the doctor's advice, he hung his hand on the supporting bag.

According to media reports, Parimani's condition worsened in the middle of the night. On the last night, Parimoni was moaning in great pain. Today (Wednesday) morning, when the spine pain increased, finally at 11:30 am, this popular actress was brought to Dhaka by helicopter.

Talking to the media, Parimani confirmed the news of illness. He asked the fans to pray for his recovery.

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