The Dhaka Times
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A superstitious mother: Banashree's two children were killed by his own mother!

The Dhaka Times Desk Can such a mother ever be. There are many examples of mothers sacrificing their lives for their children. But this time the news of such a bigoted mother shocked everyone. Banashree's two children killed by his own mother!

two children & mother

The confession of two brothers and sisters in Banshree, Rampura, Dhaka, by their mother has shocked everyone. It was said in a press conference on behalf of RAB today, 'The woman killed her son and daughter by twisting her veil and suffocating her in a 'phase of worry' about the future of her children!

At first it was said that two children died of food poisoning, but after the post-mortem evidence of murder, there was a sensation about this incident 3 days ago. When RAB detained the father, mother and aunt of the two children for questioning, various incidents started to come out. Especially when the autopsy report mentions strangulation, the matter becomes clear to the investigators.

During the interrogation of those 3 people at RAB office in Dhaka, the mother of two children, Mahfuza Malek Jasmin, confessed, it was informed by RAB.

In the press conference on Thursday morning, it was said, "Their mother admitted to the interrogation of killing the children in a planned way."

On the question of why Mahfuza killed his children, Mufti Mahmud Khan, director of RAB's law and media wing, said, 'Generally, there is a family dispute or mental disturbance behind such murders. The reason for this incident will be informed in the press conference.

However, an SMS sent to journalists from the RAB's media wing said, "Due to family complications, two children were killed by their mother at the residence of Rampura's Banasree on February 29 at approximately 5 pm."

Mufti Mahmud Khan came in front of the journalists at RAB headquarters in Uttara at noon. He told reporters that at one stage of the interrogation, Mahfuza Malek Jasmin, the mother of the two children, also admitted that she had 'killed' her children. He also gave a detailed account of the murder.

Among the two children, 14-year-old Nusrat Jahan was a class VII student of the Eskaton branch of Arani Vikarunnisa Noon School and College. His younger brother Alvi Aman (6) was studying in the nursery of Holy Crescent School.

It is to be noted that when they were taken to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital in an unconscious condition from Rampura Banshri's house at around 8 pm on Monday, the doctor on duty declared them dead. At first, it was said that the two children died after eating food brought from a Chinese restaurant, but the next day, the autopsy at Dhaka Medical College Hospital revealed that they had been strangled to death.

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