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The world's most terrifying island story! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The world has one of the scariest island stories for you today. This is the Quaimada Grande. The Portuguese word means island of fire that cleanses the land.

A terrific story island in world

This island is located 150 km from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Banana cultivation is planned on this island. Banana Island turned into a snake island as work stopped midway. Now the question is what is the relationship between banana and snake? It is the Quaimada Grande, that is, the relationship of the snake with this Brazilian island is very old.

According to various information, due to the gradual rise in the sea level, many poisonous snakes have been trapped in this island for many days. If the plan to cultivate bananas was successful, these snakes might not exist. But because of that, this island has become a 'Snake Island'.

It is known that the world's most dangerous poisonous snakes live in this island. One venomous snake lives here per square kilometer. Once bitten by this snake, no one is safe. So while enjoying the beauty of Brazil, never think of an adventure in Snake Island! Because snakes will not be your pleasure companions or understand.

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