The Dhaka Times
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3 surprising facts about girls!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various types of information about women are revealed at different times. But this time there are 3 facts about girls that are surprising. Which will really surprise you.

3 surprising facts about women

Various events are happening in the world every day. Most of these happenings are unknown to us. 3 facts about girls that both men and women will really surprise you.

Now the question is what 3 things will really surprise you? Researchers have published such information after conducting research and survey for a long time.

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Let's find out those 3 surprising facts:

1. A woman spends a whole year of her life to decide which dress to wear!
2. According to the survey, an average woman eats 2 to 3 kilograms of lipstick throughout her life!
3. An average woman spends at least 120 hours a year looking at the mirror!

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