The Dhaka Times
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Story plagiarism allegations: Shame on the maker of National Film Award-winning 'Brihannala'

The Dhaka Times Desk A show cause notice has been issued to Murad Parvez, the director of National Film Award winner 'Brihannala', alleging story plagiarism.

National Film Award-winning show cause notice

The Information Ministry has sent a condolence notice to Murad Parvez, the director of the film 'Brihannala'. According to media reports, the letter in this regard was sent to the manufacturer on Thursday.

In the recently announced National Film Awards-2014, the film 'Brihannala' was declared the best film and director Murad Parvez was selected as the best dialogue writer. But recently there were allegations that the film was based on Syed Mustafa Siraj's story 'The Tree Said'. But this maker continued to call it his own story. In view of which a show cause notice was issued to the manufacturer last Thursday.

Information Ministry Additional Secretary (General) Mahbubul Alam told the media, 'Several complaints have been made against Brihannala film. Which is also published in various newspapers. Therefore, the Ministry of Information wanted to know the director's statement on this matter.

It is to be noted that it has been alleged that the film 'Brihannala' is based on Syed Mustafa Siraj's story 'Gachta Kehila' but 'Brihannala' has been selected as the best film in the newly announced 'National Film Awards-2014'. Where the name of director Murad Parvez is mentioned as the story writer and dialogue writer of the film.

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