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Hawking calls for UK to stay in EU

The Dhaka Times Desk World-renowned scientist Hawking called on the UK to stay in the EU. Stephen Hawking has officially joined the group of 150 top scientists who voted to leave the EU.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking has officially joined the group of 150 top scientists who voted for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (EU). "Leaving the EU would be disastrous for UK science and universities," said Hawking, a living legend of physics.

In a recent letter to 'The Times', Hawking and other members of The Royal Society (including three Nobel Prize-winning scientists) expressed strong opposition to the UK leaving the EU.

They argue that 'cutting the EU link will be devastating for scientific research on both sides. Firstly, the level of science practice in Europe as a whole has increased significantly due to increased funding, particularly in the UK. Because, we are now on the verge of intense competition.'

They further said, 'Secondly, we can now recruit many of the best researchers from the European continent. Among them are young people who have received grants from the EU. Basically chose to migrate to the UK with it.'

Scientists say, 'We will be able to secure the future of science in the UK by bringing Europe's most talented people here and funding their research. Also, I can encourage the best scientists from other places to come and work here.'

Referring to Switzerland as an example, the scientists said, 'After the country voted to block the free movement of workers, young talents do not want to go there now.'

It should be noted that a referendum on whether or not to stay in the EU is scheduled to be held in the UK next June.

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