The Dhaka Times
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Kamalapur railway station Shakib Khan!

The Dhaka Times Desk Kamalapur railway station Shakib Khan! After hearing such words, one might think that Shakib Khan must be going somewhere by train. But actually it is not.

railway station & Shakib Khan

The incident is actually like this, after asking Shakib Khan, he said, 'I started firing from Kamlapur. It will last a few days.' He basically said this in jest. The reason is that the shooting of Shakib's new film has started at Kamalapur railway station.

The shooting of the movie 'Shooter' has started from March 10 at Kamalapur railway station. Apu Biswas is her heroine in this film. Shooter is directed by Raju Chowdhury.

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Shakib Khan said that the audience will see him in a new look in the film 'Shooter'. Her character name in the film is Surya. From being tapped, he became an important man in the criminal world. At one time I wanted to return to a healthy life, but the story has progressed far by then.

In the film 'Shooter' Shakib Khan also has two heroes Samrat and Shahriaz. Misha Saudagar is playing the role of the villain. Before the start of shooting, the film was tested by flying pigeons at the Kamalapur railway station.

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