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Coming to the market 4 smartphones of 4 GB RAM!

The Dhaka Times Desk At present, hearing the news of mobile phone, everyone's interest goes towards it. Because the aim is to get better quality mobile at a lower price. 4 GB RAM smartphones coming to the market now!

4 GB of RAM, 4 smartphone market

Many people have become interested in the news of 4 smartphones of 4 GB RAM coming to the market. One of the reasons is that everyone is busy now for high quality mobiles. Moreover, a lot of competition has started in the market. The competition has started as to who can deliver high quality mobile phones at the lowest price.

Some such smartphones are going to come in this month. In a word, which has taken away the sleep of technology lovers. Not one or two, four-four phones are coming at the same time with 4 GB of RAM! Know about 4 powerful smartphones that brand manufacturers are going to bring.

One. Asus Zenfone Zoom:

Asus is bringing this phone to the market with a very good camera and RAM.

It contains:

Antom 640 bit chip
5.5 inch full HD display.
The battery is 3000 mAh.
13 megapixel camera with powerful zoom.

This camera is provided with HOYA optics from Japan.

Two. LG V10:

Along with the 5.7-inch screen, there is an additional 2.1-inch secondary screen.

There is a dual camera on the front.
The rear is 16 megapixels.
4 GB RAM remains.
Battery 3000 mAh.
Although there is 64 GB internal storage, up to 2 terabytes of additional memory can be taken in it!

Three. LG G5:

Another flagship phone from this South Korean tech giant:

Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset with powerful 4 GB RAM.
An additional 200 GB of memory can be taken in it.
Behind the 5.6-inch screen is a 20-megapixel camera.
There is an 8 megapixel camera at the front.

Four. Xiaomi Mi5:

This is the latest phone from the Chinese giant:

5.7 inch screen phone.
There is a Snapdragon 820 chipset.
Premium 4 GB RAM.
The smartphone has a 3600 mAh battery.

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