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Attack on Buddhist monks thinking that they are Muslims in America!

The Dhaka Times Desk Attacks on Muslims are on the rise for some controversial reasons. A similar incident happened in America. There was an attack on a Buddhist monk thinking that he was a Muslim!


According to media reports, the name of the affected Buddhist monk is Kozen Sampson. Sampson, 66, said he was walking along the Hood River in Oregon when he was ambushed and mistaken for a Muslim.

The Hood River Police Department said Sampson's car door was also kicked in. The door hits him right on his head. Then the accused left the place. The police have started investigating the incident. Police said the accused is white.

Meanwhile, Sampson said, 'His injury is not serious. He suffered minor injuries. But for some time he was stunned.' "I was attacked for no reason," Sampson said. They probably thought I was a Muslim by my dress. I guess this incident is a reflection of anger. Every day Muslims have to be victims of various attacks like this.'

Sampson said, 'Can you ever get away with someone's anger like this? He is hopeful that there will be a way to get rid of such incidents.' He told the attackers, 'We are all children of God. Muslims are our brothers or sisters. So before doing something like this, think about it humanly.'

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