The Dhaka Times
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Dipjal-Diti's film is going to censor again

The Dhaka Times Desk The film 'Edesh Tomar Amar' starring Monowar Hossain Deepjol and once popular actress Parveen Sultana Diti is going to be submitted to the Censor Board this month.

Diti-dipjol Movie

'Edesh Tomar Amar' is directed by FI Manik. The film was submitted to the Censor Board in 2009 but was not cleared. Sources from the production house informed that the film is being prepared for clearance again after making some corrections.

In this regard, director FI Manik said, the film 'Edesh Tomar Amar' is being prepared for submission to the Censor Board this month. The film was shot on 35 mm. It is being transferred and digitized. Censor Board authorities gave some corrections in 2009, it has been corrected.

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When asked what kind of changes are given from the censors, the director said, 'The story of the film is that a group of boys and girls are introduced through Facebook. They stand against terrorism in society. They had some action scenes against the terrorists in this film. The Censor Board alleged that the scenes showed disrespect to the law enforcement agencies. The issues have been corrected keeping the original story.'

Director FI Manik said that the film will be released in theaters as soon as possible once it gets the clearance from the Censor Board.

It should be noted that the once popular actress Parveen Sultana Diti is currently suffering from incurable cancer and is on the brink of death. The audience might be in awe when his film 'Edesh Tomar Amar' is released.

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