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Narendra Modi praised the name of 'Allah'!

The Dhaka Times Desk In Islam there is no provision to insult other religions, this time Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also set an example even though he is a follower of Hinduism. He praised the name 'Allah'.

Allah name & praised of Narendra Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, 'Allah has 99 names. None of this has anything to do with violence.' Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made such a comment yesterday (Thursday) at an opening ceremony of the World Sufi Forum in New Delhi, India. NDTV Online reports this information.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi strongly condemned terrorism at the opening ceremony of the 4-day forum. Without mentioning the name of Pakistan, Modi said, 'If there was a spirit of Sufism on the border, if there was no violent force of terrorists, this region would have become a paradise on earth. Sufi Amir Khusru has said this. Modi also said, 'Terrorism is dividing and destroying us.'

The Prime Minister of India also said, 'The fight against terrorism is a fight between humanitarian values and inhuman forces.'
Narendra Modi said now terrorism and extremism are becoming the most destructive. At this time the philosophy of Sufism has relevance in the world.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, 'Terrorism is gradually spreading. The number of casualties is also increasing. Last year there were terrorist attacks in more than 90 countries.' Narendra Modi also mentioned that terrorism is changing the way of life.

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