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Parents are free from liability till son attains 18: and daughter till marriage

The Dhaka Times Desk Parents will be released from liability when the son reaches the age of 18. On the other hand, parents are responsible for taking care of their daughter until her marriage. The Gujarat High Court of India has made it clear that this will not happen.

18 boy & girl

The High Court said, her parents cannot escape any of her responsibilities until she gets married. The Gujarat High Court of India has made it clear that the parents will not shoulder the responsibility because the girl has turned 18. But for boys this rule will not apply in any way.

Referring to Section 125 of the CrPC, the High Court said, once a son becomes an adult, the responsibility of his maintenance does not fall on either the father or the mother. Unless the boy is physically or mentally ill.

In the wake of a divorce petition raising the issue of child maintenance, the Gujarat High Court clarified the issue of child maintenance.

According to media reports, when a doctor named Dinesh Ojha filed for divorce in 2006, his wife Nita approached the family court in Ahmedabad seeking alimony. The court ordered that the doctor should pay the maintenance of his wife and son. But when the son attains the age of 18, he can stop the son's khorposh if he wishes. Not happy with the court's verdict, the woman approached the High Court. The woman's lawyer said that as long as the son is earning, the father will have to pay the maintenance money.

When the matter came up in the High Court, the judge said that there is no law in India that requires the father or mother to support the child once he turns 18. So when the son becomes an adult, the father can stop giving the money.

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