The Dhaka Times
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Now found 17 feet long anaconda! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's largest anaconda, 17 feet long, was found in the Amazon forest! This anaconda was first seen by international media BBC presenter Gordon Banchanan.

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According to media reports, BBC presenter Gordon Banchanan went to Ecuador in search of the Aorani tribes for a documentary about anacondas. With the help of the tribes, he found this huge anaconda there. This anaconda was featured in a three-part documentary.

It is known that Gordon developed a friendship with the Aorani tribal family there for the purpose of this documentary. With their help, Gordon found this anaconda living deep in the Amazon.

Catching this anaconda and releasing it into the forest was a very risky task. Because the most dangerous animal in the Amazon is this anaconda. But such a huge anaconda has never been seen before.

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