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A beautiful bird of a rare species is the Moutusi bird

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Sunday, 27 March 2016 Christ, 13 Chaitra 1422 Bengal, 17 Jamadius Sani 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

bird purple rumped sunbird

The picture you are looking at is the Purple-throated Moutusi bird. This moutusi bird is a rare species of bird in Bangladesh.

Male purple-throated mutts have a shiny purple throat band. They have shiny green caps on their heads. Their heads and necks start to shine in the sunlight. Especially this bird is spreading pink-purple light from its purple neck. There is no doubt that anyone's eyes will be dazzled by the eye-catching beauty of this bird. But the female birds look very simple.

English name of this bird: Purple-throated Sunbird or Van Hasselt's Sunbird. Nectariniidae Scientific name of this bird: Leptocoma experta. The body length of the purple-throated moustache is only 10 cm, of which the beak is about 1.6 cm long. Male and female birds of this species have no similarity in appearance. The male shows a black bird at first sight. However, in sunlight, the head silver looks metallic green. The neck, back, wings and tail of this bird are black. Their eyes are brown. The back of the body and its waist are blue. The chest and abdomen are reddish and the underbelly is brown. Females are olive-brown above and light yellow below. Both males and females have narrow and forward curved beaks which are black. Their legs and feet are black in color. All in all, the bird looks very nice. But this bird is no longer seen as before. This beautiful bird is going extinct.

Information and images: Courtesy of

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