The Dhaka Times
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Powerful wireless mouse coming to the market!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many wireless mice available today. But they don't work as well as wires. But this time powerful wireless mouse is coming in the market.

Model G-900

We know that wired mice are more powerful than wireless mice. But the famous Chinese technology manufacturer Logitech proved it wrong. Logitech has released a new wireless mouse that is much more powerful than the wired mouse. The model of this mouse is G900.

The company had to research this mouse for more than three years. This new wireless mouse has won the hearts of gamers. The latest technology has been used in this new model G900 mouse. This mouse can solve tasks much faster than other common mice. This mouse uses 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal. The top of the mouse has a color changing logo. Several additional buttons are used on the mouse for the convenience of gamers. Despite all the advanced technology, the mouse weighs only 107 grams.

This mouse has a rechargeable battery. That is why it can be used continuously for 24 hours with a single charge. If its LED light is turned off, then this mouse can be used for up to 32 hours. A USB charger and dongle are included with the mouse to charge the mouse. The mouse will be available in the market in April. The price of this mouse is 150 dollars. It is 12 thousand taka in Bangladeshi taka without VAT and tax.

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