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Foreign naming of buildings and streets in China is coming!

The Dhaka Times Desk Every country in the world has a street or building named after a foreign person or country. It was so long in China. But China is going to ban foreign naming of buildings and roads!

China building & ban on foreign names

According to media reports, the Chinese government is going to impose a ban on foreign naming of various places in their country. Chinese authorities say many place names in their country do not reflect national culture. So they are thinking about such a decision.

China's Minister of Civil Affairs Li Luguo Chan recently pointed out that the names of bridges, buildings and roads are inspired by Chinese history.

BBC Monitoring quoted the Chinese newspaper Beijing News as saying that these buildings are now being named with foreign names such as 'Manhattan Plaza' or 'Hollywood Road'!

Mr Lee also told the media that he wanted to 'strengthen and protect the national culture' by cutting out foreign influences in the naming of various places. Basically they want to highlight the cultural heritage of China.

China's Xinhua news agency said all such foreign names are planned to be changed first. Names that are 'undermining national dignity' and that are in conflict with China's socialist values. Moreover, the list will contain those names that people have always raised objections to.

However, after this announcement, social media is also hearing widespread criticism on this issue. Many argue that when a place is given a foreign name, it is given in memory of China's long friendly relationship with that country or city.

However, the other party said with a strong opinion, one of them said, "These names must be changed, otherwise it will seem that China has no history and no cultural heritage."

All in all, before the decision came, widespread criticism has started on the issue.

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