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This time 57 Gbps speed internet is coming

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is advancing at breakneck speed. Starting from 2G, 3G, unlimited speed internet is coming. This time 57 Gbps speed internet is coming - the news is spreading.

57 Gbps speed Internet

According to media reports, researchers have for the first time been able to transmit Internet data at a speed of 57 Gbps through fiber optic cables. It is seen as a mile plaque.

The reason is that it was not possible to transmit such a large amount of data through fiber optic cable before. A group of researchers from the University of Illinois conducted the study.

According to the researchers, it was possible to transmit 57 Gbps data through fiber optic cable for the first time without any kind of error. This is definitely a record.

The researchers said they were able to transmit this large amount of data at room temperature. That is why the cooling device was not used. Even when the temperature was 185 degrees Fahrenheit, data was transmitted at a speed of 50 Gbps through fiber optic cable.

Scientists say, due to their success, it will be possible to send tons of data to data centers, aircrafts or other places. That's why 4G quality video streaming will happen in the blink of an eye! As a result of this research, scientists see a ray of hope. The researchers hope that the internet world will make more progress.

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