The Dhaka Times
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Solar flares will directly hit the animal world!

The Dhaka Times Desk A sunburst could create a flare that would be harmful to Earth in the future. It has been said that the solar flare will directly hit the animal kingdom!

direct Hit

In the article published in Nature Communication, it is said with this information, the solar flare will directly hit the animal world! According to the news, solar flare is a very normal phenomenon. However, its impact has so far been too small to hit the Earth's surface. The study shows that, after analyzing everything, it seems that the risk of this explosion becoming extreme in the future cannot be completely ruled out.

It is also said in the news that solar flares or solar flares constantly hitting the earth's surface are made of energy particles. These energy particles are continuously emitted from the sun into space. Particles that hit Earth's surface encounter the green planet's magnetic field.

The published news also says that a wonderful aurora is created in the collision of the magnetic field of the Earth's surface with the solar flare. If ever in the future a stream of superheated plasma from a solar flare hits the Earth's surface, after a certain point it could be really harmful to the Earth. This could have the greatest impact on Earth's communication systems and space exploration. Scientists believe that extra solar flares can directly affect the animal world.

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