The Dhaka Times
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Bappi's new movie 'Premer Bandhan'

The Dhaka Times Desk Bappi's new movie 'Premer Bandhan', the busiest hero of the present time. Directed by Gazi Jahangir, the shooting of the film will begin in June.

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However, it has been reported that Parimoni may be seen opposite Bappi in the film 'Premer Bandhaan', although it is not yet finalized who will act opposite Bappi.

Bappi said about the film 'Premer Bandhan', the film 'Premer Bandhan' is going to be made on a wonderful story. I fell in love once I heard the story. Everyone will pray that I can do something good.

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It is to be noted that in 2012, Bappi Chowdhury made his debut in the film 'Valbasar Rang' directed by Shaheen-Suman. After that he was seen acting in numerous films. Bappi's latest release is 'Sweetheart'.

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