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Being a Muslim, he was kicked off the plane

The Dhaka Times Desk A family was kicked off a plane for being Muslim. The incident took place on a United Airlines flight from Chicago to Washington.

Muslim families were let down from airplane

After looking at the appearance and Islamic clothing, the pilot of the plane commented, they 'look like'! Then the pilot and flight attendants asked a Muslim family to get off the plane citing security issues.

According to media sources, Ayaman Amy Saad Sibley boarded a United Airlines flight from Chicago to Washington. She was accompanied by her husband and 3 children. After seeing them, the pilot asked all 5 to get off the plane. After boarding the plane, Sebli also wants to know whether the seats of her 3 children are secured with five-level security or not.

Meanwhile, he recorded the behavior of the pilots and airmen with the victims on video. Sibley released two such videos. It can be seen that pilots and flight attendants are asking them to get off the plane. After being asked to go down, Sibley asked the pilot, is it not a 'discriminatory' decision? The pilot replied that it was a flight safety issue. The pilot did not say anything more than that.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization working to protect the interests of Muslims, has sent a letter to United Airlines in this regard. In that letter, strict action has been taken against those who have misbehaved with the employees.

Ahmed Rehab, CAIR's Chicago executive director, said in a statement, "We are deeply saddened by the dramatic security issue that forced a Muslim family off the plane." Safety means keeping passengers safe, not embarrassing them, or forcing them off the plane.

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