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Some amazing pictures painted by the artist's own body! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that painting requires paint. But today the artist has some wonderful pictures painted with his own body for you!

pictures painted by great artist's own body

Today I know that an artist expresses his feelings through painting. The use of canvas in this painting is not new. But this time, instead of Tuli, an artist has surprised everyone by displaying pictures using different parts of his own body.

This exceptional artist is Heather Hansen, an artist who doesn't draw like ten other artists. He uses his whole body to draw pictures! He rubs different parts of the body in different poses on the huge canvas on the floor to create amazing paintings, which will no doubt amaze anyone. He used his hands, legs, body, face, wrists in different angles to paint.

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You won't believe this artist's artwork until you see it.

Watch a video of his artwork

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