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Facebook's new feature: the blind will feel the picture!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook's new feature will change the fate of blind prisoners. Thanks to this feature, the blind will feel the picture on Facebook!

Facebook's new features

Recently, the popular social media Facebook is developing technology so that even the blind can see their photos. By doing this, even the blind can understand Facebook images while scrolling. Basically, an app called Voiceover will describe the images, using which even the blind can know the content of any image. Fox News revealed this in a report. Last Tuesday, Facebook unveiled an app for iPhone and iPad.

It uses artificial intelligence to detect faces and objects. This screen reader, called VoiceOver, will help blind people understand Facebook photos on iPhone and iPad.

Facebook said, currently this feature is only available to iPhone and iPad users, but later it will include users of other operating systems. Besides, this facility is currently only available in English language. Until now, there was a system of reading out details for the blind on Facebook. However, if someone shared a picture, no description was found. This time the description of these pictures of Facebook will be available through the new system. In this new system, the image will be described in up to 100 words. Hearing this description, even the blind can get an idea about the film.

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