The Dhaka Times
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Japan is bringing the 'invisible' train!

The Dhaka Times Desk Japan is bringing the 'invisible' train! The fact is that the train will pass in front of you, the sound will be heard but you will not see the train.

invisible  bringing train is Japan

The fact is that no matter how hard you look, you will not see the train! Japan is going to build such an invisible train. This train is named 'Invisible' train.

The preliminary design of that train has also been made. And this was done by the Japanese engineer Kazuo Sejima. It is semi-transparent and has a mirror-like surface.

The makers of the train said that the coaches will be designed in such a way that it looks like a living room and passengers will feel comfortable traveling in this train.

The manufacturer hopes that this invisible train of Japan will start its journey in 2018. It will use all the latest technologies. It is said that this will be one of the best and fastest trains in the world.

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