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Who can you get a job on Facebook?

The Dhaka Times Desk The news that Facebook can offer jobs has recently been published in the online media. But how can you get this job from anyone on Facebook.

Facebook & job

Many do not exclude social media friends while looking for a job? But are all friends equally effective in this regard? Researchers have published several data in a recent study.

In a report, Business News Daily said, 'Online friends should not be messed with in any way. You can even get help from friends you don't think you can get help from. Who you really prioritize when looking for a job depends on a few factors.
Tufts University in Massachusetts and Stony Brook University have recently conducted a joint study. The study found that just as little acquaintances can lend a helping hand in your job search, so can old friends. The researchers said that they have used various information and data to collect information about this. Facebook information is also taken.

According to researchers, most people seek help from people they know little about online in social media when looking for a job. However, there is a possibility of getting more help from friends with whom we have known for a long time. The authors of the paper wrote in a Facebook blog post, 'Weak ties can also be important because of their number. But with those who have close relationships online, it becomes important to deepen the relationship.'

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