The Dhaka Times
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Model-actress Nabila's first film 'Ayanabaji' is coming on Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular presenter, model and actress Nabila's first film 'Ayanabaji' is coming on Eid. Preparations are underway to release the film on Eid.

Model-actress Nabila first film Ayanabaji

Another popular actor Chanchal Chowdhury is acting opposite Nabila in the film 'Ainabaji' directed by popular director Amitabh Reza.

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The story of the film 'Ayanabaji' is the story of a prosperous city. In the city where the milkman still comes, the hawker hollers, the children go in groups to watch the play, the shops in the mohalla are full of tea. Again, scoundrels also make various kinds of jokes there. Through this film, the inner words of common people have been highlighted.

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Apart from 'Ainabaji' Nabila and Chanchal Chowdhury, Lutfar Rahman George, Shaukat Osman, Hira Chowdhury, Gausul Alam Shaon and others also acted in the film.

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