The Dhaka Times
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Drones will be with mobile phones! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know about drones. Drones are currently being used in a variety of situations including battlefields. But this time the drone will be with the phone!

phone will be with drone

In fact, when we hear the sound of drones, we think of a war movie. Because drone bombings or taking pictures of Shakra camps with drones are the reasons why drones have been discussed the most.

But drones also have several positive uses. Starting from taking pictures of remote areas or sending aid there, many tasks are done with the help of drones. So the introduction and use of drones is increasing day by day.

According to media reports, to make this drone more popular, the process of adding it to the mobile phone case has started. And it has a benefit too. No matter how popular selfies are, at some point selfies will get boring. For many people, selfies have already become monotonous. So drones have come to do something new.

This time people will take pictures not only of Shakra Shibir but of 'friends' with the help of drones. A company called Buzz Technologies has already developed its demo or initial product. They are now looking for co-investors for its commercial marketing. The world's first drone-equipped mobile case will come through whoever is willing to invest in it.

This added case will not only have a drone, but will have some other features. For example, it will have 3 cameras, which are standard camera, wide angle camera and short angle camera. These cameras can be attached to the 'selfie stick' provided with the case or to the drone itself. That's why the photography experience will be completely different. Not only that, sunglasses like Google sunglasses will also be available as accessories.

It is not yet on the market. However, there is no confirmation as to when it will come to the market.

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