The Dhaka Times
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Instead of 'Shesher Pahar', the name is now 'Chitmahal'.

The Dhaka Times Desk The name of the film 'Sheesh Prahar' has been changed to 'Chitmahal'. At first everything was fine but in the end the name of the film was changed.

Shesh Prohor enclave

The film, set on the newly settled enclave between Bangladesh and India after a long 65 years, was initially titled 'Shesh Pahar'.

The film has been shot under this name under the direction of HR Habib. But at the very last moment it was decided to change the name of the film. The new name of this film is 'Chhitmahal'. Shimul Khan, one of the actors and co-producer of the film, told the media about this.

Shesh Prohor enclave-2

He said that the name was finally changed due to the demands of the film's story. Because of this, the audience will find the meaning of the name with the story of the film.

Shimul Khan is acting with Jannatul Ferdous Pia, Armaan Parvez Murad, Moushumi Hamid, Ujjal Kabir Himu, Sajal of Miracle fame, Don and many others in this film of a different genre.

Shimul Khan Motion Pictures is in overall cooperation and co-production of this film.

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