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Is your smartphone original? Find out how to understand

The Dhaka Times Desk Keeping up with the times, everyone now has a smartphone. What are the original smartphones of so many companies? Find out how to understand.

What was your smartphone original

It is natural that exact copies of everything can be found at any time. Some unscrupulous traders sell these fake products as genuine. People are being cheated by the greed of extra profit.

How would you feel if you find out after purchasing your friend's smartphone that it is genuine and not fake?

But before buying it is important to check whether the device you are buying is genuine or not. But those who have already bought it can also check in a short time that you are not walking around with a fake smartphone or the real one?

To know the original copy, first know the IMEI number of the mobile in your hand. All information of the mobile phone can be viewed very easily with the IME number. But if all the information of the mobile phone is not available after giving this number, then you have to understand that your mobile phone is not original, i.e. fake.

To know the IME number, first dial *#06# from your mobile phone. After dialing, an IME number of 15 numbers will appear on the monitor of your set. Then to know whether the mobile is original or fake (, enter this link ( in the empty space you see in the box, put 15 numbers (previously found) and click the word check next to it. This will bring out all the information of your mobile. But if not, you have to understand that you are a victim of fraud! That is, your mobile phone belongs to a fake company.

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