Categories: international news

Pass with 500 rupees: because the wedding is ahead!

The Dhaka Times Desk A student has applied to pass with 500 rupees as she is getting married soon. A note of 500 taka is folded in the fold of the ledger and written on the bottom - there is talk of marriage, sir, take this 500 taka. And do the side.

Although the use of bribery is more or less everywhere in the world, this case is an exceptional case.

A class 10 student folded a note of 500 rupees in the fold of his examination book and wrote on the bottom - 'We are talking about marriage, sir, take this 500 rupees. And do the side.'

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This strange incident happened in Uttar Pradesh, India. In Basti district of Uttar Pradesh, GGIC Inter College was conducting examination report of 10th class and Inter. An examiner was looking at the records of Class 10 candidates of Bankelal Bihari Inter College in Kanauj.

His eyes widened when he saw those accounts. Wrong writing in the answer sheet. Someone asked to be passed and put money in the fold of that account! Along with the plea for passing, the students have given surprising reasons.

One wrote - He is very poor, so please let Guruji pass him. Again, he collected 1,300 rupees and gave it to a person to write notes in someone's account. However, due to the strong guard in the hall, he could not do Tukli. All his money is gone. So please let him pass.

Someone else wrote - pass it sir, may you have a hundred years. One has clearly written the money in the account - there is talk of marriage, sir. Pass with 500 rupees. The examiner can't understand whether to laugh or cry after seeing all such strange factories!

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৬, ২০১৬ 11:17 pm

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