The Dhaka Times
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Meghalaya's 'Living Bridge' is a wonder of nature! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It is difficult to say when and how nature gives beauty. But we benefit from nature in many ways. One such natural wonder is the 'Living Bridge' of Meghalaya, India.

living bridge

This natural bridge is located in Chherapunji village of Meghalaya state of India. It is made entirely of tree roots. That is why it is called 'Living Bridge'.

According to media reports, this area is so remote that even necessary equipment like building a bridge cannot reach here. So the villagers built this bridge with the big root of the tree.

It is known that even though this bridge is made of natural tree roots, it is so strong that 50 people can travel together. According to media reports, this natural bridge is more than 180 years old.

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