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Hillary 'influential' helped Yunus with money!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hillary Clinton's influence on the US State Department's Nobel laureate. Muhammad helped Yunus with money! At least $1.3 million in financial aid is reported to have been given.

Yunus & Haillary

The US-based newspaper Daily Caller published this information in an investigative report, according to media reports.

It is said in the news that in 2011 Hillary's family friend Dr. Yunus received this money through 18 separate USAID agencies after losing his post at Grameen Bank.

Dr. for small loans for almost three decades. Even though Yunus is highly praised, Hillary and Bill Clinton have been directly helping him to become a big star.

The Daily Caller also reported that 11 institutions received another 10 million dollars from USAID, with all of them Dr. Yunus has business connections.

Regarding the investigation, former assistant director of the FBI's criminal division, Robert T. Hosko, said, "If the Daily Caller News Foundation has this information, then the FBI has it."

However, according to media reports, the FBI has not agreed to make any kind of comment.

It should be noted that the government of Bangladesh when Dr. When Muhammad Yunus was accused of various kinds of irregularities, Hillary Clinton directly supported Yunus.

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