The Dhaka Times
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India may have to import water!

The Dhaka Times Desk India has been experiencing severe drought for several years. Water intensity is increasing day by day in various places. If this situation continues, India may have to import water in the near future!

India may have to import water

For years there has been a state-by-state cry for water in India. Residents of the region have to travel several kilometers to collect water from the nearest source. According to the news of Times of India, India may have to import water by 2050 if this situation continues.

The report also said that groundwater reserves in India are gradually decreasing. If current trends continue, by 2050 a person will get only 3,120 liters of water for daily use.

According to the calculations of the country's Central Ground Water Board CGWB, in 1951 the country had 14,180 liters of water per person for daily consumption. By 1991, it had dropped to less than half.

As of 2001, groundwater reserves per person have decreased to 5,120 liters. In other words, compared to 1951, the underground water reserves have decreased by more than 35 percent. By 2025, reserves will decrease to 25 percent. In 2050 it will stand at 22 percent.

The report mentions that due to less rainfall, use of water from rivers, lakes and wells for irrigation, lack of awareness, reduction in greening, experts feel that the ground water reserves are decreasing day by day.

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