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All the furniture in a house is made of gold!

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, 'If you have money, you can see the eyes of a tiger'. Anyone with money can do anything, no matter what the cost. Such a house has been found that all the furniture in the house is made of gold!

All furniture of a house made of gold

The number of hobbies that people can have cannot be counted. Someone likes to buy expensive things or cars and houses. Again someone bought a whole island as a hobby. All people's minds are different in this world. Just as there is no end to variety in this world, there is no end to hobbies. A philanthropist was found, whose house furniture was all made of gold.

The house is located in the city of Magadan in northeastern Russia. The nice person's flat is on the 2nd floor of a 4-storey building in Oblast area of the city. If you enter there, the eyes will go up in the forehead of anyone! Because everything from the walls of the flat to the toilet is made of gold!

All furniture of a house made of gold-2

According to media reports, the owner has recently decided to sell this flat. 6.5 million rubles or 67 thousand euros have been set as the price of the flat.

Roman Vikhlyanstev, an estate agent in the area, informed the buyers that the owner of the flat is a businessman. Traveling to different countries of the world is his hobby. He is an art lover!

When this creative man traveled to different countries, he used to bring various home decoration items from those countries. The beauty of the flat today is the result.

According to the affable Vikhlyanstev, the apartment is decorated in such a way that you are bound to be impressed. It bears witness to what an ideal and aesthetic flat should look like. The various furnishings and paintings in the flat are all replicas, but all are gold-plated.

It is known that the price of this three-room flat is 6.5 million. Although this price is considered by many to be too high in the current market. Especially since the area where the flat is located has a prison next to it. Besides, the weather there is not very favorable. Due to which the buyers will be interested in buying the flat which has also become a question! Still, a discerning person may be expected to buy this flat not because of its price, but because of its craftsmanship and special qualities.

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