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After short films, full-length movies, this is a 72-hour movie!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are short films, full-length films, but now we hear about 72-hour films! What kind of picture is this again?

72 hours after movie

We've seen two five-minute trailers come out. But you might be surprised to hear. Ever heard of a 7-hour trailer? Maybe you are thinking, if the trailer is 7 hours then how many hours is the movie! That's right, you'll never finish this huge picture in one sitting. Because it will take 30 days to complete the entire film. This was the world's longest movie!

Maybe you don't want to see the big picture. Then you can do one thing, plan to watch the movie 'Ambience'.

Swedish director Anders Weberg made this world's biggest film. He is experimentally making the film called 'Ambience'. Recently, he released the 72-minute trailer of the film. If you want to watch the film, you have to spare 72 hours or 3 days at once. The movie is slated to release by 2018.

Abstract The movie has only two performers. In the movie, it will be seen that the two bride and groom are sitting on the southern beach of Sweden. The movie 'Ambience' is made with the conversation between the two. They are talking about time and space. According to media reports, no scene was cut from this surreal film.

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