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The story of the world's largest elevator! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Perhaps we have never heard of such an elevator before. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in China's Zhangjiajie Forest Park. Its name is 'Hundred Dragon Sky Lift'.

world's largest elevator of China

This elevator is called the scariest elevator in the world. This elevator can take visitors 1,700 feet (362 meters) up in just two minutes! Together 1 thousand 400 passengers can ride in this lift!

The Chinese newspaper People's Daily Online said that the Chinese government spent 120 million yen, i.e. 13 million euros, to build this terrible elevator.

The construction of this lift started in 1996. The construction work was completed in 1999. But due to security reasons, this lift was closed for some time after its launch. Then in 2013, the lift was reopened in public interest.

This elevator called Hundred Dragon Sky has been named in the Guinness Book of Records in three categories.
(1) It is the world's largest continuously open elevator.
(2) It is the world's largest two-story elevator.
(3) It is the fastest elevator in the world.

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